Friday, September 30, 2016

Michael's Big Five!

On September 7th, Michael turned the BIG FIVE.

I'm still recovering.

The fact that I am now a mother to a five-year-old (and one-year-old) is a little... shocking, to say the least.

I imagine I'll be over it by the time they're six and two. Then that's a completely different hurdle.

But, turn five Michael did and we made quite a day week out of it. From camping the weekend before with dad, and Marmee flying in the evening before his big day, to donuts for breakfast, a zoo trip, chick-fil-a, and wrapping it up with a Zootopia-themed evening, it was marvelous.

Michael's Fifth Birthday Interview

What's your name?
Michael Clark Dunn

How old are you? Five!

What date is your birthday? September 7th, Wednesday.

What's your favorite color? Green!

What's your favorite animal? All of them.

What's your favorite book? Dinosaurs! (oooooh)

What's your favorite movie? Zootopia, and also Jimmy Neutron!

What's your favorite song? The Zootopia song. (Try Everything by Shakira)

What's your favorite food? All of it! OR Birthday Cake!

What's your favorite drink? Purple Flurp! (Grape Soda)

What's your favorite breakfast food? Toast and fruit.

What's your favorite dinner? Chicken.

What's your favorite snack? Goldfish.

What's your favorite thing to wear? Surfing shirt and light brown pants.

What's your favorite game to play? The Disney game (Disney Scene-It).

What's your favorite toy? All my birthday presents!

Who's your best friend? All my best friends are my best friends! (followed by a nudge from Clark and the answer: Dada.)

What's your favorite thing to do? Play!

What's your favorite thing to do outside? Play!

What's your favorite holiday? My BIRTHDAY!

What do you like to sleep with? Wrinkles and Alaska.

What's your favorite place to go? Ice cream! (Baskin Robbins)

Where do you want to go on vacation? Disney WORLD.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A police officer!

And, what's today? MY BIRTHDAY!

For his birthday this year, Michael's big gift was an Amazon Fire from us and his Marmee and Papa.

It has awesome features, including read-aloud books that make putting his brother down for a nap a little more do-able-- plus it works with our homeschooling reading time, too! This is not to say he doesn't use it for shows and games, too, but we're working out a routine.

At his doctor's appointment he weighed in at 48 lbs and measured 46 inches tall. That's three pounds heavier and 4.75 inches taller. (See Michael is 4! for last year's birthday.)

This kid, I tell you. And I'm pretty sure he's growing-- again. Why does he have to do that?

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