Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas: A Guilty Pleasure.

Although Thanksgiving is now only three days away, and only yesterday I was writing "Thanksgiving on the Brain," I have to admit that Christmas is creeping its way in.

After Halloween, it's always hard for me to not listen to Christmas music or imagine just where I'm going to put our tree. Christmas has always been my favorite time of year because of the family togetherness and loads upon loads of tradition. While Thanksgiving has been high on the list for the same reasons, as of late Christmas has scooted into first.

For the first two years of my marriage, my husband and I were flying to Germany to be with my mom, dad, and younger sister. Now, every time I start hearing Christmas music in the stores or see lights go up on houses I start to think we're getting ready to fly to Germany for the holidays. Though this will be our second year without the Germany tradition, I think it's what I'm always going to think of when the holidays come around. It was one of the two times a year I got to see my parents and one of my sisters, and I think that's what made the holiday even more special. Not to mention Germany was the first place my husband and I celebrated Christmas together, and it was our first time truly overseas.

(My husband, Clark, and me in front of Neuschwanstein in 2007)

(Clark, me, my little sister Molly, my mom, and my dad in front of Neuschwanstein)

(Garmisch, Germany)

I always try my best to make it until after Thanksgiving to begin putting up decorations, listening to the traditional tunes, and watching the heart-warming movies. Unfortunately, I typically fail miserably.

This year I was so determined, and the fact that we've only had one snow fall was making it easier... but that one snow fall in the middle of November is what did me in.

Immediately I wanted to watch a Christmas movie (which turned in to watching Elf with Will Ferrel), and then I wanted to listen to Christmas music (which turned in to turning on my 'Christmas Mix' on iTunes), and then I wanted to put out decorations (which turned in to placing one Christmas candle out in my personal bathroom).

Yes, I failed miserably once again. To be fair, it is rather difficult not to fail when you live in the mountains and snow is inevitable before the Christmas season. Snow is what symbolizes to me that Christmas is here. When I was younger and lived in Indiana, it snowed almost every Christmas Eve, which was picture perfect. In Michigan and Minnesota, and even in New Jersey, I cannot remember a Christmas without snow. Therefore, I suppose it's understandable why snow means Christmas to me.

(Our puppy, Luna, desperately wanting in out of the snow)

Well, just think, in four days I can justify putting up the Christmas tree, hanging Christmas lights, singing Christmas carols, and so much more. No, it isn't fair that Thanksgiving can be brushed aside so easily. I do think, though, that Thanksgiving has all the more meaning on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone looks forward to the food, friends, and family, but Christmas has a little more than that. It's the spirit, the reason for the season. Christmas has more meaning, if you know what I'm saying.

'Tis (almost) the season. Enjoy your Thanksgiving before Christmas is truly upon us!

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