Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving on the brain.

It's finally here! Thanksgiving is only four days away. Everyone is rushing to the grocery store to find that perfect Turkey, ingredients (or a box) for stuffing, sparking cider (or maybe wine), pumpkin pie, and so much more. The only problem? Everywhere is pretty much sold out of everything at this point. That's never good, is it?

I am so thrilled that this year I do not have to do all the cooking for Thanksgiving. The two Thanksgivings past I have hosted them and done the cooking myself due to my husband's work schedule. But not this year! This year we are blessed with the ability to drive South to visit my Mother, Father, and little sister for a Thanksgiving treat. I do imagine I will be assisting in one fashion or another, but I am not solely responsible for the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pie, and so forth. The only thing I know I will be required to cook are the deviled eggs, since I'm pretty sure my husband and I are the only ones who will be eating them.

For those of you in the High Country of North Carolina, an option for those who do not wish to cook is to visit The Daniel Boone Inn in Boone. Suggestion: Call ahead. I'm surprised to tell you that this is a tradition of many to go out to eat and allow someone else to cook the turkey and trimmings for them.

An idea for a new Thanksgiving tradition, if you do not do this already, is to go around the table, TV, or where ever you are sitting and say something you are grateful for. This is a tradition of my family that I am very happy to keep up in my home as well. It may sound silly, but you should love being thankful on Thanksgiving! That's what it's about, in the end, after all.

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