Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good-bye 2011! Hello, 2012.

New Year's Eve 2010 I was looking forward to my college graduation, finding a job, and supporting my husband as he headed back to school to get his degree. I made resolutions to lose weight, to stress less, and to be my own person. I had no idea what 2011 had in store.

Now it's New Year's Eve 2011. My resolutions are somewhat the same, with a few changes. One big difference? Another year has gone by. And 2011 was one for the books.

In 2011 we found out our family was going to grow. Not by adopting another animal, and not in the sense that my older sister and her husband were having a baby. Our family was going to grow because we were going to have a baby in September. It blew my mind.

In May I graduated from Appalachian State University with a degree in English, Creative Writing with the hopes that one day I will be able to publish a book. However, these thoughts were in the back of my mind as I crossed the stage. I was focused on not tripping in the little heels I managed to wear even though I was five months pregnant.

In June Clark, our pets, and I moved to a smaller, quainter town so Clark could attend college (again). After four years of off and on online classes and some community college, Clark finally decided he wanted his degree. He would start in August, and over the summer we adjusted to a smaller apartment, smaller town, smaller income, and prepared for a much bigger challenge: parenthood.

On September 7th at 8:52pm I gave birth to our son, Michael. He was seven pounds, seven ounces and 21 inches long. He was the best thing that ever happened after marrying my husband.

There were many other things that happened in 2011. We were in a wedding, we lived with Clark's parents for a time and called it "visiting", we traveled, we stressed, and more. It's really hard to remember anything vividly before Michael.

2012 already promises a lot. It promises my little sister's high school graduation and my niece's first birthday. It promises Clark starting to really pick a career. It promises Michael's first birthday and our five year wedding anniversary.

A new year always promises a new beginning. It's a whole year free of trials, mistakes, pain, and stress.

So, here are my six "impossible" things for 2012:

1. Put God first and foremost. Remember all things are possible through him. Always make time if I "can't find time" to dedicate to just him.
2. Love my body and myself. Take care of myself and get into the best shape I can physically, mentally, and spiritually.
3. Dedicate more time to my writing. Revisit the books I started writing, write a few free lance articles, blog at least twice a week, and journal as much as possible.
4. Be a more easy going, low stress, care free individual. Do not get worked up over insignificant things. Go with the flow. Don't worry about others expectations or what they think of me/ my family.
5. Get involved. Find activities and friends in my area. Get out and don't be reclusive.
6. Be more passionate. Passionate with my writing, my family, my cooking, my hobbies, my marriage, my faith, my life.

I hope you had a wonderful 2011. Have a safe New Year's Eve and a Happy New Year!

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