Tuesday, January 3, 2012

There are changes in the wind...

Happy 2012!

It is crazy to think that another year has come and gone. I still find myself wishing I could write "2011" on anything that needs a date. Of course, it is only the third day of 2012, so I'd say I can give myself some time before I get with the program.

There are many things within these first few days, and weeks, that are happening.

First, I've started my resolutions out with a bang. I'm so determined to make the most of this year. Last year was full of many changes, all of which I think I just let pass me by and I didn't realize how BIG they were.

This is not including the birth of our son. I totally caught on to the importance of that one!

Anyway. This year I'm determined to really take things in and not "just" live, but LIVE.

So, I'm cutting back on my sweets (but keeping up the cals because Michael's gotta eat) and revving up the exercise routine. Life is not about how skinny you are, but it is important to stay in shape. As long as I feel good about myself, I'm not going to worry. And right now I'm not feeling the greatest about my body... which is why I'm working on it!

Also, I'm really discovering myself this year. Getting married young has tons of advantages. It also has its disadvantages. I've never had a moment where I haven't had someone by my side influencing who I am.

I don't know who I am. I know who I am with Clark.

I know who I am with my parents. I know who I am as a sister. I know who I am as a student... but I don't know the core of all of those things. So, I'm getting to know myself.

Don't worry. I'm not going to go crazy and run away from my son/husband/family/responsibilities and go on some self-discovery journey. I'm just using this year to really be intent on being the best mom/wife/person I can be, and within that journey really recognizing who I am as an individual.

Along with many other things, I'm really going to work on sprucing up this blog. I want it to go somewhere... I'm just not sure where that is yet!

So, please join me for a whole new year/ride and tell others to do so as well (if you enjoy what you read, that is).

I have a feeling this is going to be a GREAT year!

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