Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day Baskets

Happy May Day!!!

My family has always made May Day Baskets. I don't know if it was a Midwestern tradition or where, really, it started... but it's always been done. I remember the years where it just kind of faded into the background and it was forgotten. However, I have memories from when we lived in Minnesota (when I was in second and third grade), and May Day just seemed like an extra special holiday celebrating the true beginning of spring.

I decided this year I was going to share the tradition.

We just moved into a community where you have to be over fifty. In fact, we had to get a special waver so we could rent our house. Needless to say, we are constantly running into people who love having us (especially Michael) around. I thought it was high time we were truly "neighborly". I also made two extra baskets, one for Clark's boss and the other for the guy who so nicely took over our old apartment.

So, the baskets, ribbon, shredded paper, and juice boxes were all from the dollar store. A very low expense way to express how happy you are for your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and so forth!

May Day Baskets can be as simple or intricate as you want. When I was younger I remember including homemade goodies and flowers. This year I thought I'd take recipes from my site and use the opportunity to promote The Newfangled Housewife as well.

I included:

M&M Cookies
Oatmeal Trail Mix Bars
Key Lime Cupcakes
and Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Muffins

How did you celebrate May Day this year? If you didn't, maybe you can pick another day to share the love (or wait until next year and introduce others to May Day)!


  1. I've never heard of this! So cute! How did everyone respond?

  2. Everyone loved them! I was so thrilled. Clark's boss even suggested I make a little business out of making "Welcome Back" baskets for realty companies in this area to put in homes that people come to seasonally. I'm seriously considering it!
