Friday, November 2, 2012

Interview Fashion

Happy Friday!

OK, so doing a post about fashion for an interview probably isn't the best way to start the weekend, but I hope you'll forgive me.

Normally I leave the fashion to my older sister over at Standpipe & Sprinkles, but since I've been looking for jobs I thought I'd share my two cents with you lovely readers.

I've never been good at interviews. I always tend to put my foot in my mouth and say the wrong thing, or play with my hair, or forget my resume, or wear something that I shouldn't be wearing... those types of things. I'm pretty, truly, awful when it comes to being a smooth talker and winning over the interviewers and scoring the job.

If you're like me, I promise... there is hope.

I've been attempting to get interviews a lot lately. While I love my job as stay-at-home-mom, there comes a time when, sometimes... or all the time, the woman of the house needs to be the bread winner. I am totally OK with this. More than ok, really. I'm excited to help foot the bills and take care of Michael. To really be a "super mom".

Here's my first "What I wore" (and most likely one of the only ones).

Michael wouldn't stand patiently while Clark took pictures (go figure), so he decided to be a part of it! I had to go bargain shopping for this one. Luckily my black skirt still fit!

Black Skirt at or just above the knee, see one here. Mine is from my Calvin Klein days when we were required to wear all black and got a 50% discount on black clothing from the store. Of course, black pants or business pants always do the job, too. I'm personally more of a skirt fan, though. Makes me feel more dressed up/pretty!

Classic White Button-Up. See similar here. I went to TJMaxx, something I'm not usually keen to do, to find the one pictured. Another Calvin Klein piece, but truly a nice white button-up can be from just about anywhere.

Cute Cardigan. See it here. This one came from the fabulous world of Target and was on sale for $10 (although I'm sorry to say it's not so anymore)! Talk about a steal. I had a cardigan at home, but it was a plain dark green (from JCrew) that looked a little to December to me, and who wants to look like December in October? Plus, this one had the sequins, which gave a little more to the outfit than just a standard interview collection.

I was told to wear pumps or flats. Although you can't see them, I had another piece from the wonderful world of Target. See them here. You don't ever want to wear "clunky" heels to an interview, so I'm told. This is not a place for your shoes to steal the show... unless, of course, you're interviewing at a shoe store. That might be a different scenario!

Lucky for me, glasses are required. Apparently a study has shown (according to a friend) that glasses at an interview give you smart-points. Isn't that interesting? Also, the pearls just seemed necessary to me since I was interviewing for a teaching job when I dressed up. Although I didn't get it, I'd say I boosted my confidence with this outfit!


  1. I've always been advised that a suit is the best way to go, that you can't be over dressed.. I wear black slacks and a black blazer from the Limited (expensive, but I'll have it forever - I've already had it 3 years & had it altered once!) and a top from an Ann Taylor outlet. My lucky interview outfit paid off this week!!

    You look very pretty in that outfit. Best of luck with the job search!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I definitely need to invest in a suit. I suppose I've always been afraid to buy one because I was never sure if I was going to use it all that often, but now that work is needed I definitely should just do it!

      Congratulations on your job!
