We had some last minute changes, since it was supposed to be rather cold. We got layers for Michael to wear under his costume so you'd still be able to tell who he was. We also were invited out to a local get together, which was so nice because Michael got to socialize with his BFF Makenzie and his older friends Isla and Charlie. Plus mommy and daddy got to socialize, too!
So, here's what you're waiting for: pictures! Sadly I didn't get too many good ones. I think either our camera is on the outs or my photography skills (those that I thought I had) are diminishing quickly. Hope you had a happy halloween! Make sure to check out the butterbeer & pumpkin pasties post (especially if you're a Harry Potter fan)!
Getting ready to go! All the cool kids want goldfish and apples in their Halloween bucket.
Leading Dada to the car.
Hanging out at a friend's house.
Michael got to pick out his own candy.
He wanted the Crunch bar.
It looks like you guys had a great time -- and Michael looked super cute!