Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday's Letters

Let's just start this thing, shall we?

Dear Daylight Saving Time, I used to love "falling back" and never understand why anyone could think poorly of you. But now I know. You completely throw off children's schedules and make it extraordinarily hard for parents. I need you to please find a way to work this out so next year Michael doesn't wake up so early. Today we successfully slept until five... which felt like sleeping in after five days of getting up at four.

Dear Thanksgiving, I must admit I'm so ready for you. I love everything about you, and this year we get to spend you with some dear friends who we haven't seen in about six months. Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, pumpkin pie... even if these traditional (favorite) foods aren't on the menu, I know you're going to be so wonderfully spent because our family will be together and we'll be with people we love. So... I don't mind if the rest of the month goes a little faster so we can enjoy you.

Dear Cold [Weather], I'm so excited for sweaters, fuzzy boots, gloves, hats, and more. Thank you for getting cold gradually and letting us enjoy the outdoors. Be patient with me when it gets really cold and Michael wants to keep playing, and please let all the sunrises be as pretty as they've been lately (although I wouldn't mind missing a few for more sleep).

Things to look forward to...

Crock Pot Teriyaki Chicken

White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Blondies

Thankful Thursday: Church Home

The idea for this post came from Ashley over at The Sweet Season.


  1. Love your first photo of the family!! The day light saving thing.. I am a nanny and it's amazing how that hour really messes with the kids schedules. No fun!!

    1. Thank you, Heather! And it's definitely no fun at all. Here's hoping he will adjust soon! Bless you for taking care of children!
