Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Family Pictures

Yesterday was a busy day. So much so that Michael slept an extra thirty minutes (woooohoooo), making his current wake-up time 5AM. Hey... it's better than four... right?


Yesterday we got up (early, of course, because of Michael), got ready, and ran late to get to family pictures with one of my dearest friends here. After getting a fabulous dozen of pictures with a grumpy, tearful two-year-old and two tense parents, Clark had to rush to an interview that was about 2.5 hours away. The reason these two just happened to line up is because his interview was switched from Tuesday to Wednesday somewhat last minute.

Because Clark had to rush, we put Michael's carseat in said friend-photographer's car with the plan of having an impromptu playdate (she has a three year old... see this post for pictures of these two wonderful people), and then go home afterwards. Until we discovered (luckily before she started to drive us home), that I had forgotten to get the house key off the key ring.


So, we had a whole day with Porter and his mama. The kiddos surprisingly did really well considering everything. What's more, our lovely friends had us over for dinner to complete the day and completely turn it around.

If you're in the Asheville/Fletcher/Brevard area check out DeVane Photography on Facebook. It's definitely worth it, and she's so reasonably priced!

BTW, Michael's cardigan is from The Wishing Elephant and my absolute favorite. Make sure to check out Carolyn's shop! And my boot cuffs? A custom order from Diana Meredith Designs! She does custom orders all the time, so make sure to check her out.

This Thankful Thursday I am thankful for our wonderful friends who kept us all day to make life easier, who suffered through a morning of grumps to get some amazing family pictures for this year, and who have been constant supporters through prayer and encouragement as we faced tough times and upcoming changes.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Hey, in the end you did get some cute pictures! And that's cool that you got to have dinner with your friends, too!

    1. Exactly, Rachel! The day just began stressful, but it definitely turned around for the better.
