Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday's Letters

I hope you all are hung over from a wonderful day of family and turkey, or whatever traditional foods you may eat! We had a rather last-minute, make-shift Thanksgiving, but it was truly wonderful.

I'm so excited for later today. A train in the area does The Polar Express experience and we're taking Michael! It's to kickstart our Christmas season officially with some amazing quality time. Michael is going to L-O-V-E it. He's been all about The Polar Express and trains in general. I can't wait to see his face!

Dear Snow, Thank you, thank you for coming to our little mountain town Wednesday! It was so wonderful to get out in the early morning and play in our PJs. Michael had such a blast, and I didn't mind so much staying out there until I couldn't feel my fingers or nose. He clearly didn't, either.

Dear Thanksgiving, You were wonderful. Sometimes I think the true reason of being thankful gets lost on people in the hustle and bustle of cooking, preparing, and all that jazz. But, I must admit, you really are in my top three favorite holidays. I'm so thankful we were able to make you extra special, regardless of surprises.

Dear December, Please crawl. CRAWL. I do not want you to come speeding up and pass us by before we are ready. Just... take your time. I love this time of year, and I'd love it even more if you took your time so I could soak you in just a little bit more.

Things to look forward to:

Gingerbread Cookies

'Tis the Season #TBT

The idea for this post came from Ashley over at The Sweet Season.

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