Monday, December 2, 2013

Michael Goes West

Here is our big announcement, folks.


Clark is moving up the food-chain with his current company to a promotion that will have him home more consistently and give him room to continue growing. But, of course, things like that don't come easy. The company has opened a new office out West in.... drum roll, please...


OK... I don't remember if Fievel actually ended up in AZ... but this movie is what I've been thinking of through this WHOLE process!

It is a place neither of us are really familiar with, and boy has it been a time trying to figure out just how we're going to go about this move! Has anyone moved across the country, with little assistance, with a dog and a two-year-old over Christmas? Anyone?

I wish you could see the face I've been making.

This has definitely been keeping on my heart that all we can do is trust God. I feel so not-prepared with this thing. I mean, Clark has been home at Thanksgiving and then the next time he's home is the time we have to spend packing up the house, loading up a trailer, and hitting the road!

I'm pulling my hair out, folks.

But, in the end, I AM excited. We have a couple connections in Phoenix thanks to friends, not to mention the wonderful Jacquie from Jacquie Here who sent me my first Cara box is in the Phoenix area! We actually get to meet, something we thought would never happen. Coincidence? I think not! And hubby is going to be home more. That's the big kicker. This promotion is going to give him a schedule that isn't super crazy. I mean, enduring seven weeks of him gone and one week of him home? No, thanks. This will fix that!

Don't get me wrong. I know there are worse situations out there than a seven-week stretch. Deployments, single parenting, and more. This job has definitely taught me some perspective... and my limits. More than anything, we want our family to be together more to grow and, well, prosper.

So, my friends, we are getting ready to head West. We're trying to build it up as a fun adventure for Michael, and I can promise you there will be a short little series of our adventurous Westward travels on the site.

Have any moving advice, or places on the way to see? Leave me a comment, please!

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