Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday's Letters

Boy has it been a week. Not only is our move in full swing, but we faced some serious challenges earlier in the week. Do you ever feel like you're making the right decision, and then everything comes crashing in and you wonder what the heck you were thinking?

No... we haven't been feeling that way at all... I was just curious, that's all! HA!

Dear Weather, Please keep for us while we make our way across the Midwest. Having spent many winters in that part of the country, I know what it can be like. Hauling a trailer, a toddler, a dog, and a cat that way is intimidating. Please, PLEASE don't have any blizzards on our route.

Dear Clark, I am so very blessed to have you as my better half. Not only did you surprise me with the best Christmas present/ last NC date imaginable, but you have kept your patience with all the frustrations of moving and with me, as I have no been patient at all. Thank you for supporting your family with your entire person. You don't just support us financially, but spiritually and emotionally. I'm just so blessed to have you. Oh, and by the way, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! (Tomorrow he's the big 2-5, haha.)

Dear NC Friends, I am currently still in state, but in just two days we set out into the "unknown". Those of you we left behind in the Asheville area, I already miss you.

Dear Christmas, I'M SO EXCITED! Michael is going to have a blast being with his cousin Maile, aunts, and maternal grandparents this year. I just can't wait. Plus, we're spoiled, because we're having Christmas with the in-laws today.

Things to look forward to:

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