Monday, December 23, 2013

Date Night: Biltmore Estate

Last week was our last week in NC, and Clark decided we needed one last amazing date night to commemorate our time in NC. And, boy, did he go all out. That means, of course, I have to praise him publicly. On my site. I may be bragging just the slightest bit.

He hired the babysitter, made the reservations, and told me my dress code. Actually, he really picked out my outfit. It was adorable. I had no idea what he was up to.

In case you are unaware, Wester NC, specifically Asheville, is home to the largest historical house in the country, The Biltmore Estate. Follow the link for more information!

We've lived in the area for, well, about six years and had never been. One way or another we talked ourselves out of it or never justified so. Clark decided what better time of year to see the house than at Christmas time, with a candlelight dinner before, and all the joys of Christmas for atmosphere?

Yeah... the man did good.

I don't have a ton of pictures, and the ones I do have are all thanks to my phone. But just so you can get a glimpse at how blessed I am, they're below.


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