Thursday, December 26, 2013

'Tis the Season #TBT: There's No Place Like Home

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! We had such a wonderful day full of family and fun. I will make sure to share details with you very soon. At the moment, we are on the road once more headed for our new home. Please keep our travels and moving process in your prayers!

Two years ago we spent Christmas with my family in Kansas, their previous home. It was also the year that Michael was baptized, and the first time the cousins were together since they were born. It was such an exciting experience, and it definitely ignited the desire to make sure Maile and Michael (and any future littles) grow up close so that they can be the best of friends.

I'm biased, and I love spending Christmas with my family, but I have a feeling upcoming years may get more and more complicated and it won't always be the same. But, like many say, home is where the heart is-- and that's what I always make sure to keep in mind.

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