Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Michael Goes West: North Carolina

We have landed in Arizona, which now means I can share bits and pieces of our journey with you! The New Year is approaching and I appreciate your patience as we get things together in our new home and I then proceed to get the blog back in my routine and running!

Our move began a bit complicated. We had a friend watching Michael one day to load our trailer, only to discover it wasn't enough room at all. The next day we had to switch out the trailer with a truck, and our moving plans altered completely. A very long drive that was supposed to take a certain amount of time with switching drivers switched gears and extended (only by a day!) when we both had to drive the entire journey. But, as you know, we survived.

Our first stop was Fayetteville, NC to see the in-laws. Not only were we celebrating Clark's birthday and an early Christmas, but we had stuff stored there. Another reason the switch to a big UHAUL truck was definitely needed.

It was a lot of fun. We are so excited that we are now only five hours away from Clark's brother and (almost) sister-in-law. We'll be taking another trip in barely any time to get to their wedding in CA!

Here's what you're here for... pictures!

The last picture is my absolute favorite. Trying to get a picture of four men-- that's it. Clark's maternal grandfather, PaPa, is looking at Michael/the cake, Clark is looking at his Mama's camera, Pop (Tim-- Clark's dad) is also watching Michael, and Michael is trying to blow out the candles. Classic.

Almost Clark's entire family is settled in NC. His brother is in CA because he's in the USMC, almost a sort of "family thing". But it's a pretty big deal for us to be moving. The only reason there weren't crazy, tearful good-byes is because we're seeing them again soon. I don't know what it's going to be like then!

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