Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Marmee and Michael

A couple weeks ago now my mom came for a visit. Since she's been stuck in the midst of blizzards and feet of snow, I know for a fact she had more than a few reasons for visiting us in the desert!

Michael had such a wonderful time. He loved waking up and going downstairs to find Marmee waiting to tell him good-morning.

We were able to do so many wonderful things; Clark and I even got a date in while he was home for a couple of days.

Next up, my sister and her family are coming to visit this week! After that, my dad is coming at the end of March, and a friend is coming at the beginning of April.

So, if you're thinking of visiting, you may want to stake your claim of time now... just saying. We're a popular spot... until the summer comes around, that is.

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