Thursday, February 27, 2014

Update on Belize, from ShaCarol

You may recall that ShaCarol shared her vision and passion with you in a previous guest post about raising money to go to Belize. Well, she did it! She's headed there in just a small matter of moments, and she'd like to share with you some more.


Dear Friends,

I hope you have been well this winter season. It’s been some interesting weather we’ve been having and to borrow a new term from a friend, our “snow-cation” is soon coming to an end.

I wanted to thank you again for your contribution toward my upcoming trip to Belize and give you a brief update on the details of my trip. I can’t believe I am really going! It hasn’t really hit me yet. I think it will officially hit me on March 8th, the night before I leave, as I’m checking through all of my luggage to make sure I have everything. If you weren’t aware, this is my first time leaving the country, so it’s a big deal for me!

I’ll be traveling with about 6 others, all affiliated with NC State University in some manner. The 6 of us have vastly different backgrounds which, to be honest, makes me nervous. However, I know it will make this trip all the more exciting and meaningful. I look forward to learning from each of them and from the people in the community of Cayo District, Belize.

I’ve recently found out some new information about what I’ll be doing while over in Cayo District, Belize. I’ll be working with children who are deaf or hard of hearing ranging from ages 3 to 13 and their families.

Based on the model of the organization I’ll be representing, 4 The World, I will be:
1) identifying the needs of these deaf children
2) assessing the potential of the deaf children and how they may best be served
3) collaborating with families and staff on strategies to best help these children.

Depending on time I may also be assisting a camp with staff for a larger group of students without hearing loss.

During our visit we will also find time to visit Mayan ruins and check out some of the local sites as well. Needless to say, I am excited about all of this and look forward to sharing my experiences with you upon my return.

As March quickly approaches, I ask that you continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers for safety as I travel and guidance as I interact with these children (deaf and hearing) and adults.

I can’t thank you enough for sharing in this experience with me. Regardless if you’ve supported me through donations, words of encouragement, or both, it means a lot that you took the time to help make a difference in my life and in the lives of others.

Lots of love,

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